If you are ever involved in a car accident, you need to make sure that you are protecting your legal rights with each step you take following the accident. When you are involved in a car accident, your first thoughts may not be how you are going to be compensated for your injuries, through an insurance settlement or court settlement, but the steps you take after an accident can influence your ability to get fair compensation in the future. Read More»
As you age, you have many new and troubling issues to confront. You need to plan your estate while often dealing with a variety of health problems. In addition to dealing with these topics, you have to worry about the possibility of elder abuse. You should consult an attorney who specializes in these issues so that you can protect yourself.
Unfortunately, some elderly people deal with diminishing mental capacity. As a result, they are vulnerable to financial fraud. Read More»
Slipping and falling in a store is more than just embarrassing—it’s also dangerous and can result in serious injury. If the accident was your fault, such as if you were running and weren’t being careful or if you weren’t wearing proper footwear, then all you can really do is try to heal and move on. However, if the store owner was at fault, it’s important to hold him or her responsible. Read More»
If you own a home, you might assume that no one can take it away from you without your consent. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Under a legal concept known as eminent domain, the state or federal government has the power to confiscate your residence in some circumstances. This article examines the issue in more detail.
How It Works
The government has a right under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S Constitution to confiscate private property, such as a home or a piece of land, as long as the confiscation is for a public purpose and the owner is fairly compensated. Read More»
If you were seriously hurt on the job, then you probably filed a workers’ comp claim. However, if your claim was denied, you might not be sure what to do next. Should you drop the issue? Should you appeal the denial? To help you figure out the best course of action, here are some tips for handling a denied workers’ comp claim:
Is an Appeal Right for You?
First you want to decide if an appeal is the right course of action for you now. Read More»