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Obtaining Trademark Registration For A Company Logo

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A single image can sometimes convey a message more effectively than written words can. Many corporate logos are instantly recognizable and serve to reinforce a certain mental image held by consumers. Entrepreneurs with plans to expand their business are at the ideal stage to officially transform their company logo into a trademark. As a company expands into new territories, it needs to distinguish itself from business competitors. A distinctive logo helps potential customers quickly differentiate between a new company and existing alternatives. Read More»

Three Tips That Will Help You Get What You Want At Your Next IEP Meeting

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Going to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting can be somewhat stressful if you want to ask for additional accommodations or services for your special needs student. However, as their parent, you owe it to them to be as strong an advocate as possible. In order to be heard and receive what you’re asking for, start using the tips below to prepare for and participate in your next IEP meeting. Read More»

Why An Employer May Dispute Your Worker's Compensation Claim

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Sometimes, it is not the worker’s compensation insurer that denies your claim, but your employer. Here are several reasons your employer may dispute your worker’s compensation claim: Your Injury Never Happened At Work An employer who doesn’t believe that your injury took place in the workplace will dispute your claim. An employer is likely to suspect that your injuries occurred outside the workplace if you don’t report your injury immediately, don’t have witnesses, and don’t have pictures of the accident scene. Read More»

What Can You Do With Digital Assets After Death?

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In an increasingly digital world, it is important that you include your digital assets in your estate planning. Digital assets not only refers to social media and email accounts, but also your online financial accounts. Here are some tips to help you settle your digital assets.   Create an Inventory of Your Digital Assets Before you can determine what to do with your digital assets, you need to make note of what they are. Read More»

Courtroom Decorum: When Defendants Should Speak

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For those who have been charged with a wrongful death, it is crucial to understand when is the best time to speak while in the courtroom. Decorum in the courtroom is critical to the overall outcome. Bad behavior, such as speaking out during testimony of witnesses, when an attorney is presenting evidence, or when the judge is speaking, is never an ideal situation, no matter how the information is perceived by the defendant. Read More»