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Brachial Plexus Injuries During Delivery: Why Do They Happen And When Could An Obstetrician Be Liable For Causing The Injury?

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While brachial plexus birth injuries are fairly uncommon, they can have life-long consequences. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that originates at the base of the neck and extends towards the arms. These nerves are fragile and they can be damaged easily while trying to reposition a baby during a complicated delivery. Damage to the brachial plexus nerves results in arm paralysis, and severe brachial plexus injuries can be permanent. Read More»

Why Hire A Business Bankruptcy Lawyer?

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Many businesses have fallen upon hard times as a result of the pandemic and shutdowns across the country. For many, the only foreseeable path forward is by filing bankruptcy. As painful as the thought is, attempting it without the help of a business bankruptcy lawyer could potentially add insult to injury. Aside from helping you to determine which type of bankruptcy is best for your business, or if there are other options available to you, your business bankruptcy lawyer can help you in the following ways. Read More»

How To Build A Demand Package For An Injury Claim

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When someone goes to a personal injury law firm, the conversation will eventually turn to how much compensation you might obtain, who may pay it, and when that might happen. The vehicle for a personal injury lawyer to seek compensation for a client is a demand package. A demand sets the entire claims process in motion, and consequently, it’s one of the critical parts of an injury case. How do you and a personal injury attorney build a demand package, though? Read More»

Brain Injuries and Car Accidents: What You Need to Know

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Traumatic brain injuries are among the most common injuries in car accidents. If you or someone you love suffers a brain injury due to another driver’s negligence, you may want to hire a personal injury attorney who has experience in this area of the law. Here are some things you need to know: Are You Certain You Have a Brain Injury? Although a traumatic brain injury seems like it would be very apparent, sometimes it is difficult to tell the severity of the injury. Read More»

Will You Lose Your License After A DUI?

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Getting inside your car to drive after drinking is never a smart move. While you might make it home without any problems, you also take the risk of getting caught driving under the influence. If you get caught and experience a DUI charge, you will face some consequences. One of the primary things people wonder after a DUI conviction is whether they will lose their license. Here is some information to help you understand how a DUI affects your driver’s license. Read More»