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Yours, Mine, And Ours: Understanding Marital Property

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For those about to undergo a divorce, the term marital property will likely come up often. This term is often misunderstood because what most people consider the property of the marriage is different than the legal definition of marital property. For your own situation, what you and your spouse own or don’t own depends on several factors. Read on for a better understanding of this confusing issue. What Sort of Property Is Marital Property? Read More»

Need A Joint Replacement Surgery After An Injury? Consider These Future Expenses

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After a serious accident, it’s possible that one of your joints may be so damaged that the only effective treatment option is to replace it. A knee or hip replacement after a catastrophic fall, for example, may be the best way for you to regain the mobility that you lost in the accident. If you’ve hired a personal injury attorney and are filing a lawsuit against the owner of the property on which you fell, you need to consider the cost of this major surgical procedure carefully. Read More»

Ask Your Divorce Attorney To Draft Up A Contract For Sharing Your Marital Home During A Divorce

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One of the challenges that divorcing couples face is how to share the marital home until everything is finalized. It’s common for one spouse to move out of the home, but because the couple jointly owns the residence, he or she who has relocated may still want access to it. If you’re the one who has remained in the home during this time, you should talk to your divorce law attorney about drafting up a contract that you and your spouse can sign in regards to sharing the home. Read More»

4 Legal Misconceptions About Car Accidents

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One of the most involved aspects of getting in a car accident is settling who is legally responsible for paying certain damages. After the accident, your lawyer, your insurance company, the other driver’s lawyer, and the other driver’s insurance company will sort this all out. It helps, however, if you know a little bit about this process and how legal proceedings following a car accident typically go. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions in this field. Read More»

Receiving A Traffic Violation? When To Hire An Attorney

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No matter how much care your exercise when you’re behind the wheel, it’s almost inevitable that at some point you’re going to receive a traffic violation. Perhaps the speed limit changed without you being aware of it, and a police officer caught you going just a bit too fast. Things like this often result in a ticket that you can usually pay for without going to court. However, some moving violations are more severe. Read More»