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Four Reasons You Should Find A Personal Injury Lawyer To Help With Your Worker's Comp Case

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If you have hurt yourself in the workplace, you might feel like you are only going through the motions with your worker’s comp case. If you are worried that your case isn’t being handled correctly or timely, it might be time to call in a personal injury lawyer to look over your claim. Here are four instances you might want to bring in a lawyer to help with your pending worker’s comp case. Read More»

Social Security 101: 4 Things Everyone Filing For Disability Should Know

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Disability benefits can be a huge life-saver when you can no longer work. The income from Social Security can help you live comfortably and stay up-to-date on your bills. Unfortunately, receiving these benefits can sometimes be a lot more difficult than anticipated. The good news is that you can make it much easier to receive the benefits you need. How? By following these four tips: 1. Include a Comprehensive List of Your Medical Problems Read More»

What To Do After An Accident To Protect Your Legal Rights

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If you are ever involved in a car accident, you need to make sure that you are protecting your legal rights with each step you take following the accident. When you are involved in a car accident, your first thoughts may not be how you are going to be compensated for your injuries, through an insurance settlement or court settlement, but the steps you take after an accident can influence your ability to get fair compensation in the future. Read More»

Protecting Yourself From Elder Abuse

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As you age, you have many new and troubling issues to confront. You need to plan your estate while often dealing with a variety of health problems. In addition to dealing with these topics, you have to worry about the possibility of elder abuse. You should consult an attorney who specializes in these issues so that you can protect yourself.  Financial Unfortunately, some elderly people deal with diminishing mental capacity. As a result, they are vulnerable to financial fraud. Read More»

3 Signs That A Store Owner Might Be Responsible For Your Slip And Fall Injury

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Slipping and falling in a store is more than just embarrassing—it’s also dangerous and can result in serious injury. If the accident was your fault, such as if you were running and weren’t being careful or if you weren’t wearing proper footwear, then all you can really do is try to heal and move on. However, if the store owner was at fault, it’s important to hold him or her responsible. Read More»