Protecting Yourself From Elder Abuse
As you age, you have many new and troubling issues to confront. You need to plan your estate while often dealing with a variety of health problems. In addition to dealing with these topics, you have to worry about the possibility of elder abuse. You should consult an attorney who specializes in these issues so that you can protect yourself.
Unfortunately, some elderly people deal with diminishing mental capacity. As a result, they are vulnerable to financial fraud. A good elder attorney can help you set up a financial plan that will protect your assets and make sure that you have the money you need for your end-of-life care.
An example of financial elder abuse is having someone take money or property from you. Sometimes, an unscrupulous relative or caretaker will forge your signature in order to get access to your bank accounts or coerce you into signing over a title or power of attorney. If you have your financial affairs in order while you are fully in charge of your faculties, you will be less vulnerable to these elder crimes. An attorney can arrange for your power of attorney and take care of other legal issues so that your assets are protected from people who would exploit you.
Physical and Emotional Abuse
Unfortunately, as you get older and often more physically frail, you become more vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse. Sometimes this abuse occurs at the hands of a frustrated caregiver. At other times, the abuse occurs because you end up with sub-par living arrangements among strangers. Once again, having your legal affairs taken care of will help to protect you and ensure that you will be placed in a safe environment if you become unable to take care of yourself. In addition, you should stay in touch with people whom you trust so that you will not become isolated. If you are ever in an abusive situation, tell anyone who will listen, even if the abuse is by a family member. You deserve to be safe and well-cared for until the end of your life.
Elder abuse is abhorrent, and yet it happens all too often. Before you become physically and/or mentally vulnerable, get your affairs in order. For the best advice, consult with an elder attorney, someone with specialized knowledge in protecting the elderly population, such as David S. Riehl, Attorney At Law. When you have power of attorney and long-term care issues taken care of, you can feel much more secure about enjoying the last years of your life.